Interview – Emotionbooksworld
11. August 2020
Anthologie: Buch der Kunst
13. October 2020Hello!
I gave an interview to the Facebook page Emotionbooksworld, which I would like to publish on my blog, too. Have fun with the short interview. Also have a look at my other blog posts, convince yourself of my books or read my poems. Have fun!
When the story takes shape in your head, what comes first? Figures that you would like to breathe life into and then tailor a story to fit them? Or is it more about telling a story and you create the characters to fit the story?
That always varies. In “Being Happy with Nevis” the main character was first inspired by “the very hungry caterpillar. The story and the other characters were created on the way.
Nevis vom Pfalzgrafenplatz was a commissioned work with the intention to create a book against environmental pollution. The old figures were re-introduced into the story and some from the play “Nevis and the garbage” were added. I was given a route through the city of Ludwigshafen am Rhein. The rest is my fantasy.
For “The pencils in my drawer” I had the intention to write a book about coping with grief and the idea to explain my approach in form of a gallery. The figures were then adapted to this. The result is a lovable main character with a family that is not perfect, but together they are incredibly strong.
How do your stories originate? Do you have a loose frame story and just write on it? Or do you go about your work systematically, create a detailed plot and plan each chapter meticulously?
I just write away and see where my own story takes me. But I also revise my texts very often.
Your writing place: Light or dark? Loud or quiet? Do you prefer a cosy or businesslike working atmosphere?
As long as I feel like writing, the rest is not important. As soon as I’m writing, I don’t know anything about my outside world anyway and can only be addressed with high volume or nudges; my girlfriend can tell countless stories about it.
What inspires you to write stories? People? Are they places? Or beautiful events that you would like to share – in a modified form?
I draw my inspiration from all kinds of things. I like to be in nature, listen to a lot of music, I also like to be inspired by video games and other artists. The biggest part, however, is traveling, I think. For example, on my recent travels in Austria and the southern Bavaria, I have often noticed special houses that will eventually be found as a witch’s house in one of my stories.
Is there a point in your novels where the protagonists develop a life of their own and stubbornly elude your control? If so, do you whistle them back, or do you give room for development?
Since it is my character, he is steered by me; I hold the reins at all times; although I am sometimes surprised myself at where I steer him and what can happen.
But my approach to travel is similar. Where others inform themselves in advance about all sightseeings, I just start walking and look where my feet take me.
How did you find writing?
I wanted to be a writer as a child, but I was always busy somehow. Some things had to happen first, so that I found the peace and quiet to start what I wanted to do for so long. Many months passed between: “Okay, I’m going to start writing my first book” and “Okay, I’m really going to start now”. 😀
Writing is a very private process. Many writers don’t like to have people looking over their shoulder while they work, and even after that many find it hard to let go of their stories. When was the time for you to send your first story out into the world?
I was so pleased to have finished my first book (a novel called “Midnight Sun”) that I published it far too early. Accordingly, I had to rework it twice. However, with the publication a huge step was done and the publishing of the following stories went smoothly and without much excitement.
You working on a new project? If so, please tell us a bit about it.
I work on several, but preferably without time pressure. When they will be published is therefore unclear – first I have to be satisfied with the result. Let me give you three examples:
“Painting Black” is the story of a pencil that wants to make a book for children. However, the math utensils (geo triangle, ruler, eraser) are against his constantly drawing sketches into the math book. The crayons, on the other hand, want nothing to do with the pencil. With his sketches to be painted, he would only “limit their imagination” and they don’t want to have anything to do with boring colourless people. The book is partly directed against bullying, partly against racism, hidden in a metaphor of pencils – which are all the same and yet different.
“How does a dinosaur sleep” is a bedtime story that questions a great mystery of dinosaurs in a funny way. No one knows how dinosaurs spent their night’s sleep. It is assumed that they slept lying down, standing or with their head between their legs (like birds). What I have in mind, however, will be a paleontologically incorrect narrative, according to which children will fall asleep with a smile.
“Sarya” tells the story of a girl in Africa before man knew what time was. Shortly after her birth, two baby lions sneak up to her and stay with the girl. The three of them grow up together, develop an indestructible bond and later have to make a journey to the mountains on the horizon for Sarya’s sick mother. The book is about teaching the children the importance of a connection to nature.
Which key on your PC is worn out the most?
The A and the E have the largest hollow, closely followed by the point.
Three words that best describe you.
Positive; empathic, thoughtful
Who is your hero in everyday life?
People who help others without a camera nearby.
Thanks for reading, have a nice day!