
4. June 2021

Snapshots – 5/2021

Hello As I wrote in my last Snapshots post, I want to be less active on social media and focus on my homepage instead. You can still find my author page on Facebook. However, I mainly post links to my blog there. In the Snapshots category, I will post a monthly article with pictures from my mobile phone. For each photo you’ll get a little explanation: where I was, what it is, why I took the pic, etc. This way I want to give you a better overall impression of me and show you what I do when I’m not doing anything with books. So here comes the second post full […]
6. May 2021

Snapshots – 4/2021

Hello I am going to distance myself more from social media, as think the machinations and guidelines of e.g. Facebook are insincere and destructive. I have already deleted Instagram, WhatsApp and Twitter, but for now (!) I cannot avoid a small amount of Facebook use because of my author page. However, I will mainly post links to my blog there and expand my own homepage. Accordingly, I have decided that once a month I will put a post online with pictures from my mobile phone. For each photo I will provide a little explanation: where I was, what it is, why I took it, etc. This way I want to give […]