Germany: Nuremberg
5. February 2018
Germany: Leipzig
5. February 2018An afternoon in Bayreuth
After our visit to Nuremberg we set off to our accommodation for the night in Bayreuth. Unfortunately, we only had a few hours to explore the city, but gained a very good first impression. Regrettably, the castle and the other famous sights were already closed. So, we spent our time strolling through the old town, eating Bratwurst and watching pigeons. We only shot a few pictures that do not capture the beauty of the town. Nevertheless, I liked the small city of 70.000 people and can recommend a stay!
As Bayreuth has a university, you meet a lot of young people from all over the country. You get into conversation quickly and find new contacts easily. This way we learned about the pubs and nightlife, but didn´t even go out for a beer, since we were exhausted from a long day.
Overnight stays with AirBnb
We booked our stay for the night in an student-flat via Airbnb. On this internet portal individuals rent their vacant rooms to overnight guests. The pricing is far from a hotel and you get another big advantage: You live with people knowing the city! They gave us recommendations for our time in Bayreuth and invited us to party – but we declined thankfully. After all, we had to get up early in the morning and head to our next stop: Leipzig.
Airbnb is definitely a good and cheap alternative to a “normal” hotel. We used it every night during the whole trip and slept in private apartments. The beds were not always perfect and the location not necessarily great, but the overnight stays were always cheap, and we got to meet new people.
We went to Leipzig via BlaBlaCar – an alternative to trains and buses. More on the topic in my next post about Leipzig!