11. February 2018

Ecuador: Mompiche

Why to Mompiche? Travel educates and broadens the mind, they say. In Mompiche, I learned a lot, especially about handling resources. But let’s start at the beginning: To hibernate outside of Germany, we searched for a house-sitting opportunity in a tropical country. The concept is, that a private person leaves his home to a sitter while traveling. In return for free accommodation, the sitter takes care of the plants and animals or whatever else is needed. To us, this was a nice experiment and it worked out perfectly. After applying to people around the world,  we decided to visit Ecuador and sit three cats for a Tasmanian author. She designed and […]
5. February 2018

Germany: Nuremberg

Why Germany? As a marketing campaign,  Tes and I went on a tour through Germany in autumn 2017. We were planning to visit a total of thirteen cities, all of them are described in short blog posts. We couldn´t spend a lot of time in every individual city, but were able to cross off the most famous sights from our to-do list. Overall we were on the road for three weeks, but also allowed ourselves a week of “home leave” in between. The path from the castle to the main market The Pegnitz Nuremberg – one of the most beautiful German cities Nuremberg has always been one of my favorite cities […]