"The Pencils in My Drawer" is a book written for children who have experienced some hardship. While the reader is led through Leo’s gallery of drawings, the artist describes the worst incident in his life: When his mother got sick and died. In German, there are two version: one dedicated to children that experienced the death of the mother, the other for children whos father died. In English, there is only the version "Remembering Mum". The other one will be added shortly.
With his drawings, the now grown painter explains how he experienced the course of the disease. Leo talks about his feelings, his mix of emotions and the tools he used to find a way to be happy again. Furthermore, Leo tells how he started drawing, about his sister he didn't like and about his friend Finn, who was served mashed frog’s legs. There are also numerous other details that will make the reader chuckle while reading a sad story, with the intention of motivating them to cope with their grief.
The book is intended not to teach, but to achieve a learning effect: "Leo did it, so I can do it, too!"
“The Pencils in My Drawer” proves that there is life after grief, that you can overcome anything and that it is okay if you let things slide for a while. Alongside the wonderful illustrations, the story is packed with details for the child to discover. The readers’ age is irrelevant, as the intention is to rediscover happiness, whether by reading it themselves or being read to. . The blurb: Leo is an artist. He owns his own gallery and has created a special children’s exhibition. While strolling through his collection of drawn memories, the young audience can behold Leo’s story about the worst time of his life – when his mother got sick and died.
Leo has interpreted the most important events of his life and transferred them to paper in order to help other children who have also experienced something difficult or traumatic. He explains that being sad is a phase, from which a lot of good things can arise.
“The Pencils in My Drawer” tells about grief, loss and hard times, but also about family, solidarity, sibling love and life after sadness. You'll find the book with the ISBN 9783982439716 in all known online shops and can order it in the book store of your choice. It's dimensions are 20x20cm (8x8 inch). The illustrations were created by the wonderful Maria Bodewald and the story is suitable for ages 5 to 80. Below, you can check out a short sample of the book, the chosen narrative style and the presentation of the story. There are also a few links to order “The Pencils in My Drawer” online:
“The Pencils in My Drawer” proves that there is life after grief, that you can overcome anything and that it is okay if you let things slide for a while. Alongside the wonderful illustrations, the story is packed with details for the child to discover. The readers’ age is irrelevant, as the intention is to rediscover happiness, whether by reading it themselves or being read to. . The blurb: Leo is an artist. He owns his own gallery and has created a special children’s exhibition. While strolling through his collection of drawn memories, the young audience can behold Leo’s story about the worst time of his life – when his mother got sick and died.
Leo has interpreted the most important events of his life and transferred them to paper in order to help other children who have also experienced something difficult or traumatic. He explains that being sad is a phase, from which a lot of good things can arise.
“The Pencils in My Drawer” tells about grief, loss and hard times, but also about family, solidarity, sibling love and life after sadness. You'll find the book with the ISBN 9783982439716 in all known online shops and can order it in the book store of your choice. It's dimensions are 20x20cm (8x8 inch). The illustrations were created by the wonderful Maria Bodewald and the story is suitable for ages 5 to 80. Below, you can check out a short sample of the book, the chosen narrative style and the presentation of the story. There are also a few links to order “The Pencils in My Drawer” online:

I held an online reading for Lacrima - Johanniter-Zentrum für trauernde Kinder (The Johanniter centre for grieving children). While listening, the children were allowed to paint. You can see the results when you follow the link.
If you are already holding the book in your hands and need more spaces in Leo's gallery, you can download and print the empty gallery page via the button and then paste it in the book.
The reading sample:
Page 4 and 5:

Page 14 and 15:

Page 18 and 19:

Page 24 and 25:

The back: