Geschriebenes: Marketing auf meine Art
18. August 2017
Marokko: Agadir
3. September 2017Hello,
With this post I would like to introduce you to my kind of marketing. I made up a total of eight different stickers with quotes, produced them in big quantities and with the intention to spread them all over the country. Accordingly, I went on a trip to the biggest cities in Germany.
Here are the different stickers. I really hope I can make some people smile. If you go like: “Oh, nice! Such stickers are definitely needed my city!”, then just e-mail me your address. I will gladly ship you a sticker-package, so you can place them wherever you like.
Hey Dude, did you write that? – My girlfriend, about my first book (sat next to me while writing) – Want to read the sample?

One of two English ones

The second English sticker

Marketing? Who needs Marketing? – I (wrote a book and got no idea of marketing) – Want to read the sample?

Who the hell still got two first names? Maybe your new favorite autor? – Want to read a sample?

Hod good is a heart if it doesn´t brake? That one´s not bad, ay? For more, visit:

Dude, nice! Never thought an idiot like you could write something like that! – My best friend, about by first book – Want to read the sample?

Well, nobody expected you to do something like that! – My best girl-friend, about my first book – Want to read the sample?
Want to read more? No problem! Try my “letter to a brewery” or my short story: “I love big cities“